Recipe Page Feedback

    Gabi's Feedback:
  1. change ingredient font (a little hard to read)
  2. source image and recipe correctly (put at bottom?)
  3. space between last direction & enjoy-make smaller

    Natalia's Feedback:
  1. get rid of margin around image
  2. reduce title leading
  3. add left margin
  4. ingredient font larger
  5. number steps
  6. sourcing?
  7. differentiating sections
  8. as a start to website, title on image as opening and scroll into recipe

    My Solutions:
  1. try making the image larger and opening view to make scrolling more exciting
  2. fix ingredients sizing to make more readable
  3. reduce title leading slightly
  4. number steps? test as a concept
  5. source images and website correctly
  6. add padding to left margin for text